Monday, September 29, 2008

Books of the Week XIV

Books read (last) week: 2
The Blue-Haired Bombshell by John Zakour. Fifth book in the series, the first three of which I already have. Those first three books were which was co-authored with Larry Gannem.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Books of the Week XIII

Books read (last) week: 4
Beyond the Blue Moon by Simon R. Green. I read the first book in the series (Blue Moon Rising of the Forest Kingdom series) a long time ago, and its great to read this one if only because it made a lot of reference to the prior book which I've almost forgotten (I really love it when I could read a book in order). I also have one of the omnibus novels for the Hawk and Fisher series, which takes place between the first novel and this one, I have to get my hand on the other omnibus though. Also a look at the wikipage for Simon R. Green shows that there are a couple of books in this series that I missed as well. sigh... so many books, so little time. I should probably take a look at his other series as well, specifically the Deathstalker series, but I could never find the first book and I don't want to start in the middle with this author considering the page count and number of the books.

Unshapely Things by Mark del Franco. The first book in a series which means I got lucky and it has a practicing druid for a protagonist which is a unique twist if a bit more technical than what I'm used to. (hey I'm used to plain vanilla wizards and mages.) I'd probably need to get my hands on the second book before I could form a decent opinion on the series. (although just the fact that I'm keeping an eye on with does say something)

The Nimble Man by Christopher Golden & Thomas E. Sniegoski. Another first in the series (the Menagerie series) a group from myths and legends, sort of like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but a lot more exotic and powerful. And hey! it stars Arthur Conan Doyle as a mage and protagonist. (I really liked the Sherlock Holmes stories, even though it probably ruined my eyes as a kid considering how small the print was on those compilation books I read years back)

Obsidian Butterfly by Laurell K. Hamilton. I managed to buy this about the same time as Circus of the Dammed (I'm getting closer to completing the series) and even though this came later than that other book, I read this one first 'coz I really liked the Edward/Ted Forrester/Death/Undertaker character. Also this book has is still into the paranormal/horror/hard-boiled detective genre and hasn't delved too far into erotica yet, which turned me off from the series. Or as one Penny Arcade comic puts it "it started out okay then but then its all sadomasochism and lycanthropic sex" Couldn't put it better myself.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Book of the Week XII

The Condemmed by Rob Hedden. A novelization of the movie of the same name which starred Stone Cold Steve Austin while not as big a fan of wrestling as I used to be, I still feel compelled to buy any book about wrestling, so yes, even if I didn't watch the movie, I bought the book. (Come to think of it, most times I'd rather read the book version than watch the movie version of something.) A bit brainless (and not too original) but an exciting read nonetheless.