Monday, March 16, 2009

Books of the Week 34 and 35

Books Read: 3 and 3 (And while I go through 3 books a week, I buy about the same number of books a week, sometimes twice as many and three, four times as much aren't that unusual either. sigh... I'll never read them all at this rate, but I intend to try.)


Unto the Breach by John Ringo. Book 4 of the Paladin of Shadows Series. Still haven't found the first book though.

A Deeper Blue by John Ringo. Book 5 of the same series. Read this through Baen's Free Library (who knew?) Though I really don't like reading books through the monitor (my eyes are half-way ruined already because of reading paperbacks, PCs don't help!) And while the first book is also available in the 'net, I decided against reading it, I'll just keep an eye out for the real thing (plus the best thing about the series are keldara which started only in the second book).

Mysteries of Wrestling: Solved by Adam Kleinberg and Adam Nudelman. A wrestling book, not much I didn't know from reading the other wrestling books I have (and the occasional wiki entry, when the mood hits me).

Wheel of Darkness by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. A good book really, though it crossed the line (from pseudo-science to the supernatural) with the Tulpa manifestation. I liked most of their books which had supernatural trappings (all of which involves Agent Pendergast ) but with plausible scientific explanations, on the other while I've started several other books of theirs that involves super science (Ice Limit and Mount Dragon) I've yet to finish one. Still great authors, I've managed to collect most of their books over the last two months and completed reading most of them.

There will be Dragons by John Ringo. Another author whose books I've managed to round up a lot of (and read and enjoyed) over the last couple of months. My only regret is I saw the second book of this series once before and chose not to buy it (back then I was only readings his Paladin of Shadows series and haven't tried his other series). Hope I can find it again.

The Good, The Bad, and The Undead by Kim Harrison. Second book in the Rachel Morgan series (I read the first book a long time ago), plus I also have the third book at hand. I'm back to the Urban Fantasy/Supernatural Genre with this one.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Books of the Week 33

I should really go back to updating this every week rather than monthly...
Books Read: 3
Jumper by Steven Gould. Seems that they made a movie based (very loosely) on the book. From the wiki, it seems they took a whole lot of dramatic license on the book though.
The Short Victorious War by David Weber. Third book in the Honor Harrington series. Military Science Fiction isn't really my thing, but the series is growing on me. (I already have the 4th book as well.)
Stardoc by S.L. Viehl. First book in the series. I became interested in the author after reading Blade Dancer, so I scooped up this book when I saw it.