Monday, July 28, 2008

Books of the Week VIII

Meh too liitle time to update this properly, will update it when I have time though (hopefully soon.)
Books read this week (or should that be last week?): 2
The Closer by Donn Cortez. A very disturbing book (though still enjoyable) about serial killers hunting other serial killers.

Dime Store Magic by Kelly Armstrong. Getting closer to completing this series, especially since I now also have Haunted.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Books of the Week VII

Yep as figured, too busy to read any novels last week, though I did started reading a several, finished two:

Skeleton key by Anthony Horowitz. Third book in the Alex Rider series. A children's book, hey... aside from being a wizard (see: Harry Potter,) a super spy seems a good job description. Not particularly bad read, a bit predictable in some part, I'll probably like it more if I managed to read it from the start. Here's hoping I could get them all. 

Dead on my Feet by William Mark Simmons. The second book in the Chris Cséjthe (Half/Life) series, with me, of course, not having have read the first, sigh... another series I need to keep an eye out for.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Books of the Week VI

I started and finished this book this Sunday, the day before I started working, which would make it memorable in any case. I'm probably going to set aside Sundays as my reading day (hopefully) with all the work I expect to be getting in the next few weeks.

Books Read: 2

Death and Thraxas by Martin Scott. I'm counting this as two books because it's an omnibus of two other books Thraxas at the Races and Thraxas and the Elvish Isles from the Thraxas series of novels. Not a bad book for an author I've picked for the first time, I enjoy books in this particular mish-mash of genre, fantasy noir. Too bad that aside from this one, I know of only one other series that focuses on such a genre, Glen Cook's Garett P.I. series.

Books of the (last) Week V

I finally have work! I started last week , unfortunately my office does not have internet access! (Also it would be unprofessioal to use the 'net for personal reasons at work!) Which means I didn't get to update the blog about my last week's novel binge. Of course with work coming around, I really didn't get to read much, and probably not in the near future as well, oh well, the price you pay...

Books Read: 2

Sweet Myth-tery of Life by Robert Asprin. Part of the Mythadventures series of short novels. Sigh... when I linked this post to Robert asprin's wikipedia entry, I found out that he recently passed away. Not one of my favorite authors but still I have several of his books and series, in fact I have a couple of his books that I still haven't goten around to reading... he will be missed. 

Spiderlegs by Piers Anthony and Clifford A. Pickover. It's been a long time since I've read a book by Piers Anthny, one of my favorite authors when I was younger (maybe I've outgrown him...I hope not) in fact I have more than 50 of his books in my collection, certainly the most number for one author.