Saturday, July 5, 2008

Books of the (last) Week V

I finally have work! I started last week , unfortunately my office does not have internet access! (Also it would be unprofessioal to use the 'net for personal reasons at work!) Which means I didn't get to update the blog about my last week's novel binge. Of course with work coming around, I really didn't get to read much, and probably not in the near future as well, oh well, the price you pay...

Books Read: 2

Sweet Myth-tery of Life by Robert Asprin. Part of the Mythadventures series of short novels. Sigh... when I linked this post to Robert asprin's wikipedia entry, I found out that he recently passed away. Not one of my favorite authors but still I have several of his books and series, in fact I have a couple of his books that I still haven't goten around to reading... he will be missed. 

Spiderlegs by Piers Anthony and Clifford A. Pickover. It's been a long time since I've read a book by Piers Anthny, one of my favorite authors when I was younger (maybe I've outgrown him...I hope not) in fact I have more than 50 of his books in my collection, certainly the most number for one author.

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