Monday, May 12, 2008

Legal Thrillers

As mentioned in my first post, I admitted to being a bit of a geek. Again, and this is very unfortunate, it does not extend to things technological (I can use the computer just fine, surf the web, etc. but not much more than that.) My geekiness leans towards my others interests, foremost of which are novels and anime/manga.

Given the chance I'd want to own and run a a bookstore or library of some sort with regards to my love of books and with regards to my Otaku nature, maybe head a publishing studio for my own manga (unfortunately I also am bereft of any artistic talents, so any endeavor in this area would be strictly editorial)in the future.

My interest in books run the gamut of genres available, primarily focusing however in fantasy and science fiction (I'll probably talk about some of my favorite books in the future.) Anyway, I was thinking despite being a lawyer, I don't read much legal thrillers at all, I've read one John Grisham novel (The Testament) started two others (The Firm and The Street Lawyer, but finished neither,) and two of William J. Coughlin's books about lawyer Charley Sloan. Although decent reads, I don't actively look for books in this genre, in fact, the only novels that came from a Lawyer/Author that I really liked is the Burke series of novels from Andrew Vachhs (and these books are about street crimes rather than courtroom dramas.)

With regards the anime side of things, I never know why I didn't get on the Phoenix Wright bandwagon. Actually, scratch that, I know exactly why I didn't get on that ride, I don't own a GBA or DS to play it on, and wasn't interested enough to look for its spin-off manga. Of course, even if I was, I'm not even sure if english-translated versions of it will even reach the Philippines.

Now that i actually entered into lawyerhood, I was thinking should I have read more of these books? (or watched the movie versions, maybe, or follow some of TV courtroom dramas that propagated the last few years?) Would they have helped in my education, make me look forward to being a lawyer or would they have disillusioned me from my career choice? Hmmm...maybe I should pick up and read some more of these books and maybe watch a dvd collection or two of these legal-thriller movies and TV series, you never know I might pick up a thing or two.

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