Saturday, August 9, 2008

Books of the Week IX

Books read this Week: 3

Haunted by Kelly Armstrong. Should have finished this book last week, but with work and all, didn't get around to reading till the end until this Monday.

Danse Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton. This should probably count as half a book read, I really liked the paranormal aspect in the first few books, but now it crosses into erotica, and I tend to skip those chapters.

Micah by Laurell K. Hamilton. This is the book that goes before Danse Macabre, sigh... another one of those episodes where I don't get to read them in order. This book was pretty short compared to the rest of the series (the latter books, anyway) plus I skipped the hot-and-heavy parts as well, so maybe this counts as a quarter-book?

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