Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Foodie in Me

Still looking for a job! I've just about gone through the list of law firms from my school's (very much outdated) employers directory, so I'm taking up the more traditional routes of looking for employment by consulting newspaper ads as well as the less-traditional means of going online (either thru job search databases or list of law firms.) In fact I just came from one law firm yesterday who is actively looking for an associate where I submitted a resume (instead of my usual scattershot approach of dropping a resume at every firm I stopped by, whether or not they were looking for one or not) and another two names I'm going to visit today.

Anyway, I figure it's high time I come up with another topic for my posts and decided on food. Probably my only other vice (hobby seems such a tame word) aside from books and internet. Now, I'm no gourmet, and in food I usually prefer quantity over quality, so I usually find myself looking for decent all-you-can-eat joints around the metro. Considering that a decent meal would set me back around 70-80 pesos, I don't mind paying twice that much to eat in a buffet-type promo when it constitutes two meals for me since (if I know I'll be eating in such a place) I'll usually skip breakfast and eat there for lunch, or have a late lunch and skip dinner altogether. (I know it's probably unhealthy and I'll pay for it when I get older, but hey, you're only young once, ne?) Besides any higher (price that is) and I believe I'm wasting my money, since the goal is the same anyway (stuffing my face hehe!)

Yesterday while coming back from my job-hunting expedition I decided to stop by Trinoma, a newly-constructed and opened mall in North avenue (in direct competitioon with the estrablished SM City North Edsa) and found out that the Superbowl of China branch therein has a, you guess it, an eat-all-you-can promo for 149 pesos. I's only on until the end of this month and only available during the weekdays during 3-5 in the afternoon (I wasn't able to avail of this promo last time it was on because of prior employment where I'm only free Sundays,) so I decided to eat there yesterday. I especially like dimsum buffets because it is arguably healthier than my usual fare, the food being steamed or even when fried, at least it's veggies (spring rolls!)

For P149, you get several choices of dimsum dishes I stick with the siomai, spring rolls and steamed meat buns while avoiding entirely the chicken feet, a noodle of the day selection (where I embarrassed myself by scooping it on my plate thinking that it was one of those fried noodles variation before finding out later that it was actually served with stock as a noodle with soup kind of thing,) a congee of the day (chicken in this case,) soup of the day (didn't try it) and dessert (peanut buchi) plus a single-serve drink (Lemonade or Iced Tea.) It was worth the money, and would recommend it to anyone. In fact, I'm going to be going there again before the month is out.

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