Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I don't know if I'll be able to witness enough good deeds to make this a regular feature, but here goes;

Things that restore my faith in the basic goodness of humanity:
One of the managing partners in the law firm that I interviewed in gave me some tips on future interviews (i.e. what they want to hear, what they are looking for.) Of course, this probably means they're not going to hire me, but what the heck, like gifts, it's the thought that counts.

One of the firms I dropped my resume at, took the trouble to send me a letter to thank me for considering their firm in my job-hunting endeavours, and that while they do not have any opening at the moment, they will keep my resume on file in case something comes up. Hey! It may just be a form letter but they wasted postage on little 'ol me.

Things that ruin it:
The security personnel in the Philippines Stock Exchange (PSE) that won't allow me to copy the names of the law firms in the building. According to the guy, I should ask permission first from the building administration before I could do so. Being obstinate, I decided not to and instead just went up to the floors where I saw several law firms were located. Basically I went up to the 26th Floor then went down floor by floor (still using the lift) to the 21st floor (there's like 9 or so law firms within those floors.) After which, I was already planning to leave (having run out of resumes) when I was stopped by the same security guy and was asked whether I was the guy who went down floor to floor (which I did) and for what purpose. I was even asked to open up my bags for inspection. I don't know, was there anything suspicious with what I did? I already said I was dropping resumes before I went, I assume they have video cameras (after all they saw me going from floor to floor) wouldn't they have seen me going into the law offices at the same time? Besides, I'm too old to be playing with elevators anyway. The receptionists and security personnels in Makati was so much more courteous.

Ah well, aside from that hitch, any would-be lawyer should make the trip to Ortigas to drop their resumes, just the PSE towers (East and West) have around 30 law offices between them. Since I run out of resumes before I could submit to all of them, I'd probably come back (play tag with the security guys again... maybe or come up with a list of names before going in) plus visit the nearby buildings which also have their fair share of firms. In fact, I think there are more law firms per square feet in Ortigas than in Makati. (arghh... it's hard doing this with only an outdated and incomplete list of law firms.)

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