Saturday, May 31, 2008

Let's get ready to Rammmmmble... II

Oops, forgot to add my two-bits about Mick Foley in my earlier posts. So here goes...

Both my "Have a Nice Day!" and "Foley is Good" books have Mick Foley's autograph on them. Got them signed when he did a mall tour promoting WWE back when they did a show in the Philippines. I also had his "Tietam Brown" book during the signing, but decided not to have it signed for several reasons, 1.) the organizers of the event announced a maximum of two books per person to be signed; 2.) I only have two hands, already clutching both books while "Tietam Brown" was in my backpack nd 3.) dang it, I didn't even read the book, I started it but lost interest a few chapters in, and it's kind of disrespectful (at least for me) to have it signed when I haven't even read the book. Which reminded me of Terry Funk's book where he said the only reason he read Tietam Brown was because Mick Foley told him that a movie is going to be made out of the book and he (Terry Funk) would be perfect for the role of the father.

Let's just say that as an author, he's a pretty darn good wrestler! Which is why I'm not buying his other book; "Scooter" because I buy books to read them and not because I like the authors (though I'm keeping an eye out for his children books.) And yes, I do like Mick Foley, he's a great entertainer and an even better person. Part of the reason he joined the WWE tour in the Philippines was to visit a girl he was sponsoring through the Chritian Children's Fund. And, he was hilarious as the Boulder in Avatar: the Last Airbender

Oh, and the only reason I didn't get his signature on his third autobiography "The Hardcore Diaries" was because I didn't have it then, in fact it hadn't even been written yet (part of the book actually details his trip to the Philippines.) But ney, maybe I could get it signed in case the WWE decides to do another tour in the country. Maybe, by then I could afford to attend the show.

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