Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's a SIGN!

I was back to haunting the streets of Makati last Monday to hand out resumes. By coincidence, the first firm I stopped at had for its next door neighbor, a Booksale office, not a store, an office! (although there's a bookstore branch on the first floor, so there's a definite upside to working in this building or near it.)

I didn't get a chance to drop in, it was after all just my first stop and I have many more firms to visit. Still, it left me wondering if it was Booksale's main corporate office. If it was, and I do end up working for that firm, I'm going to find some excuse and drop by that office, I have some questions I need answered. Branches? (actually I can get that online.) Main Warehouse? (I want first dibs!) When do branches rotate their stock? (to better plan my shopping expeditions.) And where do they get their bookshelves and how can I get my hands on them? (I need them bad!)

Anyway, I'm doing the resume thing again because there were few nibbles on the first batch I handed out (I got an interview out of it with that but no definite offer yet.) At least, it wasn't as hot as it was two weeks ago. That because it was raining all day, ...and me with no rain gear. On the other hand, I was in my Sunday-best, (sigh...) because I want to make a good first impression (if only with the receptionist who'll receive my resume.) Besides there's a chance they'll hire me on-the-spot, proclaim me as a last-minute susbstitue to an ailing partner and hail my backside to court to make a case-winning argument. (Yeah, right! Also if that were to happen, it's more likely that I'll be making a motion for postponement, since that seems to be par the course with the hearings I've been in or have observed.)

P.S. I got an interview session out of the 2nd batch of resumes (again with the don't call us, we'll call you.) So now I got two interviews under my belt, I'll probably write about them in another post. (so many things to talk about, so little time.)

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