Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Am I an Idiot or a Dummy?

I've been browsing Booksale shelves once again (so what else is new?) it seems that they've reduced the price for some of the Complete Idiot's guide to stuff books (as well as similar books, such as the Everything Guide to whatever books or doing something or other the Lazy Way.) From the usual price of 300+ odd pesos to down to around a third of that (about 95 pesos,) so yeah, I'm making the rounds to look for interesting titles. So far, I've bought the one for Dream Jobs (useful since I'm looking for work) and Pirates (ARRRR, I need no reason for this, matey.) I've been keeping an eye for the 2nd edition guide to Professional Wrestling (I already have the first) and I remember seeing one about paralegals before (which I declined to buy because of the price) which might help me in my line of work... considering that the books are intended for a North American audience, probably not. I've already seen a book on Wills and Estates (there are significant differences from what I could remember from my civil law and private international law subjects,) and another one for Divorce (meh, we don't even have divorce, or at least absolute divorce here in the Philippines.)

About the Dream Jobs guide though, it's great to read that Used Bookstore Owner can earn up to 50,000 dollars a year, (and even then, that's probably secondary for a true book-lover.) I think I mentioned in one of my posts that it's one of the things I wish I could do, though I did say in another post that used bookstores aren't doing so well in the Philippines. Oh well, maybe that's why it's called a dream job, keep on dreaming...

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