Friday, May 23, 2008

War, war never changes...

Finally! After several weeks of waiting I got my Defonten Poster in the mail. It's even more awesome than I thought it would be. Anyone who is unfamiliar with the Fallout Series of Games (Fallout 2 in particular and my favorite game of all time) might not appreciate it as much (if at all,) but it means a lot to me. It started when Bethesda (who purchased the rights to the Fallout Franchise from Interplay, the original developers) released a developer diary about the Brotherhood of Steel (a group in the game.) To hardcore fans, the article was contrary to canon. No Mutants Allowed (A Fallout Community) decided to hold a contest where fans can submit their on take of the why and how the Brotherhood ended up in Washington D.C. (the setting of the new game) considering their isolationist views.

I figured i got nothing to lose so I decided to submit a piece, and I won! I didn't win first place though, but my story was good to place as a runner-up. Initially, the first-place winner was suppose to be the only one to receive a prize, so I though that was that, I tried my best and placed second (or third, I wasn't so clear about that.) It's already a big thing for someone like me to get that far, I mean, english wasn't even my first language, and I always assumed that 4 years of law school has stifled any creative writing skills I might possess.

But then Defonten (the fan artist who put the prize for the contest) found a better (i.e. more affordable) place to print his art, enough for all three winners to get a poster print. So Finally I got it, YES!!!

Anyway to anyone interested, these were the prizes up for grabs, the winners can pick which one they wanted to get.

Cafe of Broken Dreams (the one I chose)
City Ruins
Brand New Reno  

...and here's my entry (there's also links there for the other winners.)

And speaking of contests, this wasn't my first time winning a Fallout related contest, I also placed 4th in Bethesda's design-a-perk contest from last year. My entry for that was:

Money Talks
You receive a bonus to your Charisma, Reputation and Speech skills in direct proportion to your wealth.

Man, this wasn't even my best entry, it was one of my throw-away entries (I didn't even bother coming up with a flabour text for it) when I was trying to submit as many entries as I can, 'coz the contest rules also says that they'll pick some entries at random to give everyone a chance at winning something. I was really hoping to place 1st in that contest, I really wanted that X-Box, what I ended up with is a graphic card I can't use until and unless I buy a new computer, since my old computer isn't compatible with the new card. Ah, well... I'm getting better at this anyway, another falout-related contest and I'd be topping it. Yeah, found my niche!

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